Respecting the Fridge: What Not to Do with Your Kitchen Appliance

Our kitchens are filled with items that are so familiar to us; we tend to forget they’re made of quite sensitive, fragile components. Refrigerators are a good example, as they often fall victim to careless treatment and improper use.

It’s easier than you might think to damage or break a fridge. These appliances are designed to be sturdy, but they have limits like all machines. If you don’t defrost regularly or store food in the right way, it can have a negative effect on performance.

In this article, we explore the things you shouldn’t do if you want your refrigerator to live a long and happy life.

Take Some Advice from the Appliance Doctor

First things first, a fridge shouldn’t need to be in full power mode to stay cool. If flipping the switch to the highest setting is the only way to maintain chilly temperatures, it could be time for a repair. Fortunately, the Appliance Doctor is ready to lend a hand whenever you need it.

The only time a healthy fridge might need to be in full power is if it’s almost empty. Refrigerators are easier to cool when there are plenty of items inside. One clever trick is to fill empty spaces with jugs or containers of water.

Get the Best Appliance Repair in the Bronx, NY

On the other hand, you don’t want to overfill a fridge. Keeping the appliance well stocked is a good way to maintain efficiency, but stuffing it tight decelerates the cooling process. You can look at the refrigerator manual for precise information on capacity.

For the most part, it should be obvious whether you’re using your appliance correctly. If you open the door and items tumble out, it’s probably too full. Try to limit the number of bottles you store inside, particularly if the fridge is quite small.

Fast, Reliable Refrigerator Repair in the Bronx

Like all appliances, refrigerators have a finite lifespan. So, they’ll need repairs at some point. However, you can delay the inevitable and save yourself some cash by adhering to a few simple rules. For instance, don’t place any hot items in your fridge.

All food should be cold or barely warm before you store it inside. Otherwise, you’re disrupting the internal temperature and forcing the appliance to much work harder. Not only does this consume more power, but it also puts a strain on the internal mechanisms.

The Appliance Doctor Makes Repairs Easy

Finally, it’s imperative you defrost on a semi regular basis. Most people do it annually, but it really depends on the age and condition of the appliance. The older or more inefficient the fridge, the quicker ice will build up and the more frequently you’ll need to defrost.

If you find yourself doing it every couple of months, it’s best to get things checked out by a refrigeration technician. The Appliance Doctor provides support to homes in the Bronx and can identify and fix faults before they become big problems.


Related post: Omnicef

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