Category Archives: Appliance Repair NYC Westchester Bronx
Keep Your Food Cold This Summer
Is your refrigerator having trouble keeping food cold, especially in the warmer months of the year? These days, people are so busy that they often don’t even notice that there is a problem with an appliance such as the refrigerator … Continue reading
Small Appliances Need to be Repaired, Too
People often call a repairman for major appliances in their home, yet when it comes to the smaller appliances, they don’t think about getting them repaired. Instead, they usually throw them away. What you might not realize is that you … Continue reading
Do You Need a New Refrigerator That Has All the Latest Technology?
Are refrigerators better if they have all the latest gadgets? These days, a lot of people think that a refrigerator that does nothing more but keep food cold isn’t good enough. Instead, they want one that can tell them exactly … Continue reading
Is it Time to Let Appliance Doctor Help You Replace Your Built-in Microwave?
Is it time to replace your built-in microwave? A lot of homes that were built a few decades ago started incorporating built-in microwaves into the kitchen as a way of increasing convenience and efficiency. It also made a lot of … Continue reading
Is Your Stove the Reason for All Your Burned Meals?
Is your stove really the problem when it comes to burned food? Sometimes it’s easy to get down on yourself and think that you’re just a bad cook. It doesn’t help when other people chime in and echo that sentiment, … Continue reading
Could You be Damaging Your High-Efficiency Washer Without Knowing It?
Are you unknowingly damaging your high-efficiency washing machine? If you believe everything you hear, not to mention everything you read about these types of washing machines, you might start to wonder what you should and shouldn’t do. If you’re like … Continue reading
Do You Need Appliance Doctor for Your Washer and Dryer?
How good is your washer and dryer really working? Do you ever wonder about this when you do a load of laundry and the washing machine starts bouncing all over the room, making terrible noises? Maybe you put a load … Continue reading
Is Your Refrigerator in New York City Too Old?
Is your refrigerator a collector’s item? These days, it’s a popular trend to have refrigerators that look like the ones that were built 30, 40 or even 50 years ago, but it’s not so popular to have one that actually … Continue reading
What Should You Do with a Dishwasher That Isn’t Working?
The dishwasher is more than a mere convenience item. To this day, a lot of people think of dishwashers as nothing more than something convenient to have around. In the eyes of most individuals, it really isn’t a necessity. However, … Continue reading
Do You Need to Have Your Refrigerator Repaired in Yonkers NY?
There are few things more satisfying than a delicious, ice cold treat straight out of the freezer or refrigerator on a scorching hot day. Imagine pulling some ice cream out of the freezer and being able to cool off on … Continue reading